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Reflections of Mamie – A Story of Survival

April 18, 2014

See on Scoop.itStory of Survival-Child Abuse

Rosemary J. Adkins‘s insight:

April is Child Prevention month but please help me expand the support all year. Portions of my book profits are donated to groups that help both children and animals of abuse. Please visit my web site for locations you can find my book and help STOP CHILD and ANIMAL ABUSE..

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  1. Advocating for children and animals is more than talking the talk, it is doing something about it such as you are Rosemary. I commend you for your stand on child and animal abuse. Keep up the good work my friend.

  2. Linda, the purpose of my book is to reach each child abuse victim and let them know they are not alone and a future is possible. As for my furry friends, they need help almost more as they cannot speak for themselves. Together with the sharing and efforts we can make a difference.

    Thank you for this kind support.

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